Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


I just don’t relate to my family anymore. Miss you guys. Merry Christmas.

Charlie missing his heels

90 Responses

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  1. Liz says:

    Merry Christmas! :)

  2. Alexis says:

    You’re hot even when you look sad!

  3. Gennie says:

    The one in your left hand suits your better. :)

  4. being nice says:

    the left one is cute. bet you can rock it!

  5. Charlie McDowell says:

    A little Christmas story to share: a family friend’s three-year-old opens the door to the bathroom I am in. I sit on the floor, naked, trimming my toenails. Her: Where’s your doggie? Me: Not in here. Her: Are you naked? Me: Yes. Her: Why? Me: I have no idea.

    • Alicia says:

      You have to admit, it was a pretty valid question. One time I was at an aunt’s house and my sister Theresa and one of my cousins were making fun of me, so I went in the bathroom and cried. I finished crying in a few minutes but I didn’t wanna go out and talk to them, so I just stayed in the bathroom. Well, it got really boring, so I took some shaving cream in my hand and started playing around with it for no particular reason. Of course I forgot to lock the door and they both flung it open right at that moment, to see me sitting on the closed toilet lid with shaving cream all over my hands, at which point they made even more fun of me. I didn’t have an answer to the question “why”, either.

      Oh, and that’s a pretty cool looking dog in that picture, by the way.

    • anonnnn says:

      i kinda feel sorry for the three yr old. im sure she didn’t ask santa to see a naked man for xmas..

  6. Kaylah says:

    Ohh Charlie, you make me smile. =). Merry Christmas!!

  7. Gabbie says:

    You really do look cute when your sad…but you look cute all the time anyway :)

  8. Theresa says:

    oh goodness….i’m confused to as why you were trimming your toenails naked, but more concerned on why you didnt lock the door!

  9. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Charlie McDowell. Charlie McDowell said: Dear Girls Above Me, I just don’t relate to my family anymore. Miss you guys. Merry Christmas. […]

  10. Alia Abdeen says:

    Merry Christmas Charlie!
    Also, great story. Im sure that three year old will be telling it again, to a therapist, some day ;)
    Have a great new year too!

  11. Kate says:

    I don’t think you look hot when you are sad (actually you look puzzled) but I bet you look hot in those boots! Buono Natale Charlie!

  12. Lock says:

    Merry Christmas, Charlie.

  13. friendlove(= says:

    Merry Christmas, Charlie!
    This website makes my day, everyday.

  14. Kate says:

    My Christmas gift to you, an excerpt from John Waters’ Female Trouble. Cha Cha heels for Christmas:


  15. Eva MD says:

    what happens if the girls find this site?

  16. calley says:

    well, charlie, i really like the one on the right. it really goes with your eyes! :D

  17. Rescue Ninja Chuck says:

    I’m trying to figure out if you’re being sarcastic or if you really miss them…..

    I’m also really confused as to why you are holding heels in your hand… for each of them maybe? haha Merry Christmas!

  18. Leila says:

    Well, I’m not gonna lie, I prefer those nice peep toe pumps in your right hand. Always a classic.
    Hope your Christmas has been good! Did you get the girls anything? If so, did you record the giving process?? I would love to see it!!

  19. Tina says:

    Merry Christmas, Charlie

  20. Taylor D says:

    Aww. I got to agree with everyone that you do look adorable, I especialy like the boyish lightning t-shirt. I think it’s really cool that you posted on Christmas Char, I’m not sure anyone else is dedicated to do anything on Christmas, well except maybe eating. Thanks again for making me laugh:) Oh, nice pumps by the way.

  21. Emily says:

    Thanks Charlie, Merry Christmas to you!

  22. Emily says:

    You know, just curious, do you read all the comments? And if you do, do you think the girls know about your site? They seem to be up on the internet and magazines, and other hip, awesome stuff.
    p.s. I’m so gonna be a creeper like the others and say you are not too shabby looking. Although, I’m positive I’m jailbait, so we will continue this later.

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Yes, I do read most of the comments. As far as I know the girls don’t know about the site. And if they do they have no clue it’s me.

  23. -Gigglebutt says:

    You are just so cute. Why can’t we have more guys like you? *sigh*

  24. Charlie McDowell says:

    I out of breath from playing the Michael Jackson Experience video game for Wii. Anyone else play it over the holidays?

    • Taylor D says:

      Unfortunately I’m out of the loop on this one ’cause sadly I don’t have Wii:( Although it’d be funny if next time you play you should totally record it and then post it as the next youtube video for the GAMs.

    • alix says:

      We had some HALO and Fallout going on in our house. Not a bad Christmas combo if I do say so myself.

    • Alicia says:

      I haven’t played the Michael Jackson game, but I played Dance Central for the new xbox… so intense…

    • A Swann says:

      I played MJ Experience at my roommate’s house before Christmas. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun waving my arms and dancing around.

      It is a good game, but tiring lol. I had to take a break after a few songs!

  25. Gretchen says:

    I have a pair very similar to the ones on the right…

  26. Icygrl says:

    Merry late Christmas Charlie!

    ^^^nice story by the way

  27. ohmygoodness says:

    Why is everyone throwing themselves at Charlie, ya we get it he’s ” Cute even when he’s sad “, but seriously you all sound pathetic

    • Suzzzzzzzzzzzzzane says:


    • Emily says:

      It’s healthy to give out compliments :D Wouldn’t you like it if like 20 people called you cute everyday?

      • Nobody says:

        Yes I would…It’s When they all say will you marry me everyday you see them that gets tough! ;D Though Charlie it would be appreciated if you could let some of those other guys outta your closet… Go knows i’d like to meet someone nice, funny, and inventive! Tho maybe lower profile…privacy is nice!

  28. Christina says:

    Merry Christmas Charlie! I’ve been really ill but reading your posts makes me feel better =D

  29. Greg says:

    Yeah my sisters gave me a pair of high heels as a joke one Christmas.

    Ah, the memories.

    • Alicia says:

      Well that’s unfortunate. Were they at least cute, or were they like ugly old-lady-looking shoes?

  30. Katie says:

    The shoe in your left hand is cuter, but the one in your right hand would PERFECTLY complement this handbag I could loan you…

  31. Laurie says:

    Charlie, have you ever thought about sending them an actual letter? Just for fun, I mean, and sign if D. Gam. I think it would be well worth your time.

  32. Theresa says: WAY off topic…but ask someone what a goatee is and it is almost guaranteed they will touch their face. Seriously, try it. Just a little fun fact i had to share with you all.

  33. Alicia says:

    All this attention
    From girls who think he’s “so cute!”
    You know he likes it

    It’s my New Year’s resolution to write a related poem for every DGAM letter (either from the actual letter or a topic from the comments section)… I just started a little early. This one’s a haiku. Enjoy.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hate to be a know-it-all, but a haiku is 5,7,5. and yours was 5,8,5

      • Oops says:

        then i’m sure you would really hate to a self-proclaimed “know-it-all” who is wrong.
        “From girls who think he’s “so cute!”” is 7 syllables

      • Alicia says:

        And I hate to be a bitch, but you I think you need to learn how to count before you try to (unsuccesfully) prove me wrong.

      • ally says:

        um, I just counted it is seven.
        from girls who think he’s so cute
        all are one syllable. durrrrrrr

  34. Gabbie Robbins says:

    aaaaaand you’re adorable. missing the beard though. happy holidays!

  35. Meg says:

    You are so handsome and hilarious. I wish I had gotten you for christmas.

  36. Theresa says:

    i love your witty responses :)

  37. Antoinette says:

    Merry Day After Christmas Charlie! Obviously the shoes are to complete the ensemble

  38. Jo says:

    Yo, Chaz. The left shoe is way hotter. FYI.

  39. awesomeselflover says:

    aww wtf I can’t see the picture

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  41. Ana M says:

    Cant see the pic…wont load lol

  42. Lynn says:

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. As a thank you for all the laughs, you can go to my blog and pick out a treat and I’ll send it to you.

  43. Rose says:

    I can’t see your photo and it saddens me.

  44. Women are worldly minded gold diggers. Beware….

  45. Lequia says:

    Charlie, I (like several other people) cannot see your picture. Can you fix it?? :(

  46. Stephanie says:

    Ted Danson was on Rachael Ray or some show earlier today and I thought of you! And Elf is my favorite Christmas movie so now when I watch it around the holidays I see your mom’s character I think of you and laugh. I just don’t understand how these girls haven’t found out yet!

  47. Carrie Rose says:

    I just read all of your posts from the beginning with my friend Emma. I just wanted to say thank you :)

  48. Carrie Rose says:

    also. I think you’re supermegafoxyawesomehot.

  49. It ‘s the glasses that do it……

  50. notforyou says:

    i had a semi sad christmas. my birthday is on christmas and due to the fact that it is a major holiday to most of my friends, i often don’t get acknolaged.

    it makes me sad.

    i just wanted to talk about it

  51. Jessica says:

    I haven’t gotten a chance to visit for the past week and I’ve really missed it. Merry Christmas, Charlie. I’m really excited that you’re wearing a Sheldon shirt! :)

  52. Kate says:

    I got Glee Karaoke for Christmas.
    Hit me up if you want to hear my rendition of Don’t Rain on My Parade. I’m better than Babs.

  53. Christy says:

    Charlie – Isn’t that a shirt Sheldon from Big Bang Theory wears? If so, very nice :o)



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